Friday, December 27, 2019

African Culture And Black Consciousness - 2201 Words

There have been many to write about the struggles, misfortunates and traditions of those who were enslaved. There have also been scholars who argued that upon their arrival, the enslaves came to North America as blank slates and were complete submissive to authority. In this ideology, many scholars believed enslaves traditions, customs, folk stories all derived or mimic European culture. This ideology also implies that those who were enslaved lacked any social or structural guidance, religious beliefs, values and heritage. While there are many examples of slave traditions and customs that have similar attributes of the Euro-American culture, there are many elements of their West African culture that remained authentic and in practice when slaves were shipped to North America. These same traditions gave them strength and courage to resistant their oppressor and challenge their current social environment. In Lawrence Levine, Black Culture and Black Consciousness, he provides example of blacks exemplifying agency over their current situation as well as how these customs and traditions where they derived from. This paper will discuss how those enslaved exercised agency through music, spirituality, and folk tales to excerpt their independence and challenge the agreement of the tabula rasa slave and docility within slavery. The use of song literature, dance and rhythm was just one of the many pieces of cultural elements enslaves brought over to the U.S. from West Africa. TheShow MoreRelatedThe African American Culture And Consciousness From The Short Lived Black Power Movement Essay1867 Words   |  8 Pageseffects on African American culture and consciousness from the short lived Black Power movement. The book was written by William L. Van Deburg. 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Although the Harlem Renaissance was concentrated in the Harlem district of New York City, its legacy reverberated throughout the United States and even abroad, to regions with large numbers of former slaves or blacks needing to construct ethnic identities amid a dominant white culture. The primary means of cultural expression during the Harlem Renaissance were literature and poetry, although visual art, dramaRead MoreEssay about Harlem Renaissance Poets: Countee Cullen and Langston Hughes1142 Words   |  5 PagesRight after the World War I, the majority of African Americans moved from South to the North of the United States. New economic and artistic opportunities led them to create and identify themselves in their own culture and heritage. This movement is well-known as the Harlem renaissance. It was accompanied by new lifestyle, music styles, and plenty of talented writers. This paper discusses two poems from this period: Heritage, written by Countee Cullen, and The Weary Blues, written by LangstonRead MoreThe Three Cs ( Christianity, Commerce And Civilization1172 Words   |  5 Pagesrepatriation movement of African descendants from the Americas that they were looking for the â€Å"Black Nationality† by establishing an American colony in Africa. DuBois’ notion of double consciousness shed light on their dilemma in relation to Africa and Africans. The notion presents how the African Americans are perceived by the white Americans in the American society where the majority are whites. The difficulties experienced by returnees from the West regarding reintegration into African societies were theRead MoreDu Bois : An Important American Thinker1744 Words   |  7 Pagesa humanity that encouraged the well being of all its members, not singling out the whites, blacks, or anyone else for that manner. He later on in life came to consider that the economic condition of colored individuals was just one of the key factors for the oppression, and that a more reasonable supply of wealth, was the solution for this situation they were stuck in. In Du Bois’ excerpt â€Å"The Souls of Black Folk† he makes the philosophical concept known about the nature of colored people and theRead MoreThe Double Consciousness Of African Americans905 Words   |  4 PagesThe Double Consciousness of African-Americans Envision that you live in a place where you feel like you belong there, but because on the outside you look different the majority resents you. The Souls of Black Folks by W.E.B. Du Bois written in 1903 consists of a collection of short essays that convey the important aspects of African-American history. Throughout the novel there are two main themes. One is that African-American’s lived and experienced moments from behind a veil, and the other is

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Consumerism And Its Effect On The 21st Century Essay

Consumerism in Healthcare Healthcare consumerism is increasing in importance in the 21st century. In today’s world, consumers have multitudes of information available that at one time was strictly available to the medical profession. Patients obtain information through the internet, commercials, and ad campaigns. The days when consumers followed referral recommendations are drifting away. Consumers are now at the center of the health care system causing customer service to be a key component to any successful practice (Hone, 2007). Demand Driven Health Care Another influence on consumerism is society’s increasing mobility (Hone, 2007). Historically, patients have been dedicated to one heath care provider. It is uncommon for people to reside in one town for an entire lifetime today. There are many factors that may cause a patient to change physicians. The provider may change to a location that is not convenient for patient. Additionally, younger people seem to have less respect for provider’s older people which may cause them to change providers for virtually any reason. Furthermore, people are increasingly mobile and have more information than in previous years. This factor causes people to be less committed to staying with the same provider. The economy drives health care consumerism as well. Patients are reluctant to see providers outside of their insurer’s network because of the costs associated with the visit. Likewise physicians tend to refer within their network ofShow MoreRelatedHealthcare Consumerism And He alth Care926 Words   |  4 PagesHealth care consumerism positions the consumer at the center of their own health care. Consumers are able to make informed health care decisions and be an essential element of the decision making process. It is a trend and focus of the recent government regulations and standards that reduces the roles of insurance and employers. Health care consumers have direct access to health care services and the ability to make informed decisions. Examples of the movement towards increased education and informationRead MoreConsumerism Is All Around Us747 Words   |  3 Pagesminds may wander, and how we choose to carry out the day-to-day happenings of our lives, the people of the 21st century cannot seem to escape the ever-powerful grasp of corporate consumerism. While many are aware that consumerism is all around us, few understand the true extent to which it impacts our lives. With constant exposure to advertising it’s hard not to get sucked into con sumerism. The advertisements we see influence our spending habits by convincing us that certain material possessionsRead MoreThe Consequences of De-Politization2308 Words   |  9 Pagesardor except for the tentative safety of the quiet suburb: an orthodoxy of indifference. They have only an overriding fear of commitment and a will to be let alone.† This distinctive political â€Å"disengagement† can indeed be observed with increasing effect through history. From dropping voter turnouts to the impassive response of the public to what can only be called political tomfoolery, it is evident that today, more than ever, society is politically disengaged. Political culture along with variousRead MoreThe Globalisation Of Pop Culture And The Globalization Of Popular Culture793 Words   |  4 PagesWith the globalisation of popular culture dominating the 21st century across a multitude of media platforms, it has grown exponentially alongside politics as an elemental factor that sparks artists’ works. Popular culture can influence society’s attitudes towards a specific topic much like art is political that it engages with society with visual pieces that can influence people’s thoughts and provoke a deeper understanding of a subject. It can be recognised that â€Å"contemporary politics is itselfRead MoreMarxi sm Is Based On The Social Theories Of Karl Marx And Friederich Engels1445 Words   |  6 PagesBourgeoisie) and the working class (the Proletariat). Marxism describes how society is biased purely to benefit of the ruling class and examines the exploitation of the working class. There are lots of ways that Marxism can be used to understand 21st century Britain, however, this piece of writing does not allow us to explore all those examples. In this instance I have outlined how Marxism could be used to look at personal debt and education. In 2015 in Britain you can get a pay day loan with no creditRead MoreA Loyal Servant, Graphic Design And Its Journey2084 Words   |  9 Pagesof art in around 80`s . Before that, graphic design was called commercial art and its practitioners were called visual communicators. As a such a young profession it grew incredibly fast and spread globally. In the book of Graphic Design For The 21st Century, C. P. Fiell describes it as the part of the fabric of everyday modern life. They say that it surrounds us silently, as if it is secretly coded everywhere around us, but we only react to it on subconscious level, without even noticing it is thereRead MoreVisual Representation Is Our Cultural Dictator1876 Words   |  8 Pagessaid to embody the best that has been thought and said in a society. It is the sum of great ideas, as represented in the classic works of literature, painting, music and philosophy –the ‘high culture’ of an age.’ (Hall, S., 1997 p.2) Fuelling 21st century culture is the economics and marketing of the first world. The desire to consume is the notion of creating a persona through visual identity. Representation ‘in the physical sense is presenting oneself’, (Williams, R. 1978, p.266) it’s realisedRead MoreThe Problem Of The Environment Pollution920 Words   |  4 PagesToday, the problem of the environment pollution is one of the most challenging problems the contemporary society is now confronting because the environment pollution has a disastrous impact on the quality of living, while its effects are often irrevocable. In such a situation, every individual and every community, like the ASU community is responsible for the environment protection and minimization of their footprint. The environment pollution occurs because of the careless attitude of communityRead MoreThe First Glimpse Of Globalization1573 Words   |  7 PagesGlobalization is the process in which a world-wide circulation of goods, ideas, and people takes place. Historically, there were two periods of profound expansion, the 15th and 16th century and 20th and 21st century. In both cases, these eras of globalization were preceded by periods of enriched thinking, sharing, and scientific revolutions. The renaissance is a prime example of an era when ideas and knowledge flourished and spread throughout Europe. This newfound age of discovery resulted in globalRead MoreKarl Marx, Commodity Fetishism, An Objective, Valuable For People Things1164 Words   |  5 Pagesand small stuff becomes an integral part and an accompaniment(a supplement) to a personality. Speaking about the effects of Commodity Fetishism I should emphasize that they are not confined to the sphere of production but permeate every sphere of social life. Social relationships become the property of things and the form of false consciousness concealing real conditions. The global effect of commodity fetishism is that we have become the society of consumers. We have reached the freedom for but not

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Caribbean Exmaination Cxc free essay sample

Method of investigation In order to collect data form the survey, I have decided to use printed questionnaires. This questionnaires as a tool, for collecting data has a number of advantages: It requires little time to be completed It can be done at the convenience of person requires to have it completed It guarantees confidentiality since respondent are not required to attach their names. My questionnaires will consist of 20 questions. These question will take the form of multiple choices( )yes and no( ) and open ended question ( Task 4 Instrument used to collect data. Tannins lane, Mat. Secants, Irma. Dear Respondent, My name is Candace Scott. I am a student Of Irma North Secondary (A. N. S). The Caribbean Examination Council {EX.} Social Studies syllabus requires that student is to complete a School Based Assessment {S. B. A}. The topic I have chosen for my {s. B. A} is Marijuana. I am asking for your assistance toward my s. We will write a custom essay sample on Caribbean Exmaination Cxc or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page B. A to be completed through the questionnaires. You are advised to answer the following question honest, truthful and in this questionnaire you are not required to write your name. I am looking forward for your kind co-operation. Thank youYour sincerely Candace Scott write in the space provided as the case may be. (1) Do you use Marijuana? Yes No (2) Does anyone uses marijuana in your community? If your answer to question 2 is yes, how often do they use it Everyday Every 2-3 day every 2 month Once a week every fortnight once a month (3) Is marijuana easily available in your community? (4) How long have you been using marijuana? 1 year year 1 month 5-7 year 6-9 month never use it (5) Do you think marijuana should be legalized? F your answer is yes to question (5) give a reason for your answer, the in space provided. 6) Do you think limiting the use of marijuana intrudes on personal freedom? Yes No If yes give a reason for your answer . (7) What do you think is the most suitable cause, why people sell marijuana? Want to fit in Want to earn respect Because of Restrain beliefs peer pressure (8) What are some causes why people in your community used marijuana? To cope with home problem Want to try it like other Brain damage (9) What are some causes of marijuana? Change in behavior Lung cancer Los s of weight (10) Which of the following are causes why people in your community try marijuana?Because of curiosity Lack of parental guidance TO help cope with home problem Other If other please specifies:- . (11) What some physical effect of marijuana? Leads to lung cancer Loss of concentration Dizziness Hair loss (12) What are some effects Of marijuana? Eng Irritation Loss of physical memory Red eyes (13) Did marijuana have an influence change in your body or life? Yes If yes please specify: NO (14) What is the change marijuana brought to your life? Turn to a theft Behave violently Becomes vagrants No change that all (15) (16) What procedures can be done to help stop the use of marijuana? 17) Which law should be enforced to stop the illegal planting/buying of marijuana? Charged $1 0,000 if caught with it Sentenced for (5) years in jail for planting it (2) Years for community service If other please specifies: you think the Government should banned marijuana? Yes -n If yes give a re ason for your answer: DO No . (1 8)Have using marijuana caused you legal problem as like being arrested? Yes No (19) Do you think the Government should take serious action toward people using marijuana? Yes (20) Do you think the Government should take serious action toward people using marijuana?

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Roar Essay Example

The Roar Essay I shouted probably the whole summer. In language arts class we studied Lone Star books. We had to read one and mine was The Roar by Emma Clayton. It was a really good book. Our class had to discuss symbols for our book. The symbols were theme, plot, character, and setting. My favorite character was Elli. She was so caring and kind. Her symbol Is her pet monkey Puck. Elli cared about her family and Puck. Since she was kidnapped the only thing that Elli had was Puck. The person who kidnapped Elli was a crazy man named Mall German. He wanted to run tests on Allele, but Elli didnt want to help him. Allele had to destroy lots of asteroids piece by piece Just to get Puck fed. The theme of this story Is hope which represents the video game Pod Fighter. Milk, (which Is Less twin brother) hoped that he could find Elli by playing Pod Fighter which he learned was made by Mall German. He eventually did find Allele, but he found her with Mall German so he was sent to war. The main setting of this story was Future London. I used animals to represent Future London because 7/8 of the worlds population is living in 1/3 of the Earth, in Future London, behind the Wall. The other people are living on the other 2/3 of the earth. Those people found out that the world would end of global warming so they tricked the ignorant rest of the world that There was an Animal Plague where animals turn evil. They also believed that they had destroyed all the animals while they were actually living there!! Some people like Mall German found out, but it was too late. The people were too selfish so they sent them back to Future London with really high jobs. Finally, the plot of The Roar is war which I symbolized with a war tank. Once some kids like Mike and Elli figured out what was on the other side of the all they were furious! Both sides of the Wall prepared for war. The good side of the wall had nuclear bombs and animal boors that could kill an army is one shot. We will write a custom essay sample on The Roar specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Roar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Roar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, Future London had mutant children like Elli and Mike which were born with an animal part. The animal boors think the mutant children are animals like them therefore they will not attack the mutants. They would make ideal spies. After I used those symbols to compare the book to real life, I loved it even more. The Roar by Emma Clayton is one of the BEST books I have ever read. I would recommend it to anyone who loves a good story or fantasy. The Roar By turbulently My favorite character was Elli. She was so caring and kind.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Six Sigma Process to Increase Efficiency

Introduction Six Sigma can be described as a process which increases efficiency and decreases defects in production or operational processes with the end goal being an overall reduction in costs for the company in terms of resources saved. Taking this into consideration any company that suffers from consumer complaints regarding product quality can benefit from implementing various aspects of Six Sigma into their operational structure.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Six Sigma Process to Increase Efficiency specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand what isn’t outright stated is the fact that Six Sigma can be thought of as a constraining and limiting form of management since it requires products, services and methods of operation to conform to singular overriding plan that emphasizes a particular method of performance in order to achieve a certain end goal. Problems with Six Sigma This means that i t at times limits management methods related to initiative, thinking outside the box or utilizing methods of management that aren’t necessarily a part of the company’s original management procedure. Based on this it becomes a question of whether Six Sigma management methods are a necessity instead of an option in a company’s operational structure. In the case example provided it can be seen that high product defect rates reported by consumers necessitates the need for significant process change and as such it can be seen that the implementation of Six Sigma in this particular case is a necessity in order to improve product quality and thus a company’s brand image. Changes that will occur Through the use of Six Sigma it is expected that daily operations within the company will undergo drastic changes in the form of increases to efficiency and reductions in resource wasting operations. This would involve department restructuring, removing redundant teams or operations, distributing roles among existing staff so as to increase human resource utilization without having to hire more workers as well as the implementation of new production overseeing processes to ensure compliance to new standards. Approaches to new projects under the new Six Sigma process would have to coincide with how adaptive such projects can become with the company’s new style of operations, whether they can be implemented quickly, efficiently and at low cost and how to ensure compliance with Six Sigma processes.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Overall it is expected that my management style and method of deductive methodology will actually be severely limited in terms of utilizing methods outside of established company operational procedures as dictated by Six Sigma. In fact it is expected that across the entirety of the company’s management st ructure decisions and methods of operational implementation will take on a â€Å"top – down† structure of management resulting in limited freedom in decision making however this should increase operational efficiency and reduce product defects. From a certain perspective thought it can be stated that the use of Six Sigma cannot be considered entirely good for the company. Its confining and regimented use of statistics and metrics turns employees into numbers rather than people. In a way it can be stated that the Six Sigma process stifles creativity in favor of efficiency which cannot be considered the best possible process in which to proceed in a technology oriented business environment where innovation is prized above all else. In fact the very company that started the Six Sigma process â€Å"Motorola† failed to capitalize on changing smart phone technologies and innovations within the past decade resulting in its rivals such as Nokia and Apple, which place gr eater emphasis on innovation, effectively reducing Motorola’s market share to a third of what it used to be (Colvin, 2011). It is based on this that while I do agree that greater efficiency and reduction of wasteful resource utilization is an advantage for the company the fact remains that regimented and procedure oriented methods of management cannot be considered an ideal process to be implemented in light of current market trends where there are fewer barriers to entry and the need for constant innovation. As such this necessitates the implementation of certain vertical and horizontal management processes instead of a regimented top down approach.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Six Sigma Process to Increase Efficiency specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference Colvin, G. (2011). Motorola’s Uphill Battle. Fortune International (Europe), 164(1), 34. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. This essay on Six Sigma Process to Increase Efficiency was written and submitted by user Barbara Berry to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Safety and Security

Safety and Security Safety and Security Safety and Security By Maeve Maddox Cora wants to know the difference between safety and security. Safety and security and their adjectives safe and secure are often used in tandem, as in the hymn: Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarm Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms These definitions from the OED treat them as synonyms: safety: a. The state of being safe; exemption from hurt or injury; freedom from danger. safety chain, a chain providing additional security security: The condition of being protected from or not exposed to danger; safety. Nevertheless, the words differ in connotation and writers will weigh the context when deciding which to use. Safe and safety, for example, push emotional buttons that secure and security dont. We speak of national security, but personal safety. Threatened townspeople seek the security of castle walls, but a frightened child runs to the safety of her fathers arms. Security surrounds, but safety enfolds. Perhaps the lingering differences between the words can be found in their differing etymologies. Safe comes from Latin salvus, uninjured, healthy. Its related to salus, good health. Secure comes from Latin securus, without care, from se, free from, and cura, care. To my mind, security suggests freedom from worries that derive from knowing that certain external safeguards are in place and that I can rely on them to protect me and my property. Safety is a richer word that includes an inner certainty that all is well. In a sense, security is external, while safety is internal. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Congratulations on or for?Taser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?Hyphenation in Compound Nouns

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What are the main differences between imperfect competition and Outline

What are the main differences between imperfect competition and monopoly market structures - Outline Example It is a fact that monopolies are bad for the consumer market structures because they lead to an authoritative regime in place which can mean that there are no competitors and hence a great amount of one-man-rule that shall rule the roost in essence. What is most significant is the fact that monopolies and imperfect competition structures should be kept at a safe distance from the shores of any organization that wants to grow beyond its expectations. Also the consumers would be given the best possible space that they richly deserve and hence their predicaments would be taken care of, the sooner the better. Perfect competition remains a much desired for act that industries would always like to have within their ranks but this is hardly the case as there is a great amount of significance on having monopolies and imperfect competition market structures – the result of which are severe prices meted out on to the consumers with no possible alternatives in sight. Moving on with the d iscussion, imperfect competition is in direct negation with perfect competition because the latter makes sure that the end consumers are given the best possible return on their money and their shopping realms are safeguarded in such a manner that they believe in trying different products and services which are available to them. However what monopolies bring to the fore is nothing short of bad blood, where one organization believes in doing everything while the rest are just not present (Carlton 2005). The monopolistic competition demands a sense of responsibility on the part of the dominant and the sole player as it has to take steps which are essential for the up and coming firms and businesses and it must be kept in mind that the new companies are there to serve the customer better and in a new manner and the customers have every right to demand the very same. They cannot be denied their due right just because a dominant player is bent upon ruining other’s sales and increa sing its own in both the short term as well as the long run. A check and balance approach thus holds the key here and it is the responsibility of the government to control these measures, no matter how harsh the situations are and how stern the steps have to be taken. To quote as an example of monopolistic competition, Apple Inc was accused of having the same within its ranks. There was hue and cry that Apple Inc was forming a vertical monopoly with the signature DRM System, the iPod, iTunes and so on. The pricing strategies were largely decided by the organizational heads and thus the market levels were discouraged from booming in essence. Non-pricing strategies were not made use of by Apple Inc which also formed up as an essential ingredient of the kind of monopolistic competition that the organization was bent upon doing. Monopolistic competition does not usually last for long since governmental interventions and consumer insights get the better of such tyrannical levels of compe tition. There is a more advanced and up to date value-added mechanism in place with the advent of competing players which eventually throng the market and get the biggest share. Unquestionably, competition brings in expectations by the customers, end users and all those who depend a great deal on the said business. This is because competition has motivated them for so long now that the absence of competitive activity would mean a loss-loss exercise. This is generally an unacceptable phenomenon and needs to be taken care of by the people who matter the most within the helm of affairs in the organizational domains. Motivation will only take place when competition is sound enough to send shockwaves within the industrial domains and set the ball rolling as far as delivery of value and quality for the sake of end consumers is concerned. This means that motivation will act as a reinforcing agent once the