Thursday, December 19, 2019

Consumerism And Its Effect On The 21st Century Essay

Consumerism in Healthcare Healthcare consumerism is increasing in importance in the 21st century. In today’s world, consumers have multitudes of information available that at one time was strictly available to the medical profession. Patients obtain information through the internet, commercials, and ad campaigns. The days when consumers followed referral recommendations are drifting away. Consumers are now at the center of the health care system causing customer service to be a key component to any successful practice (Hone, 2007). Demand Driven Health Care Another influence on consumerism is society’s increasing mobility (Hone, 2007). Historically, patients have been dedicated to one heath care provider. It is uncommon for people to reside in one town for an entire lifetime today. There are many factors that may cause a patient to change physicians. The provider may change to a location that is not convenient for patient. Additionally, younger people seem to have less respect for provider’s older people which may cause them to change providers for virtually any reason. Furthermore, people are increasingly mobile and have more information than in previous years. This factor causes people to be less committed to staying with the same provider. The economy drives health care consumerism as well. Patients are reluctant to see providers outside of their insurer’s network because of the costs associated with the visit. Likewise physicians tend to refer within their network ofShow MoreRelatedHealthcare Consumerism And He alth Care926 Words   |  4 PagesHealth care consumerism positions the consumer at the center of their own health care. Consumers are able to make informed health care decisions and be an essential element of the decision making process. It is a trend and focus of the recent government regulations and standards that reduces the roles of insurance and employers. 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