Sunday, January 5, 2020

Hurricanes And Its Impact On Hurricanes - 1521 Words

Hurricanes, just one of many of mother natures designs. What can start off as a simple tropical storm can turn deadly within a matter of hours. High-winds, rain, and destruction seems to be the basic understand most have of hurricanes. Which for the most part seems to be correct. Over the recent years NASA and a team of meteorologist have been working diligently to help better improve the tracking and prediction of hurricanes. Aside from high winds, there are much more to hurricanes than what is understood. Before we can fully understand hurricanes we must first look at what causes a thunderstorm to turn into a hurricane and the history of hurricanes. With rumors that in 1494, Columbus on his second voyage recorded the first ever hurricane. In addition, we will also be examining the role of meteorologist, hurricane wind speeds, different categories of hurricanes, how hurricanes are tracked, and the resources that are available to track and monitor a hurricanes paths. Lastly, we will discuss the damaging affects that hurricanes have on and off land.With continuous study and observation, weather forecaster are able to make critical decision in hurricane formation. We will first begin by explaining the formation of a hurricane and what is needed for a tropical storm to develop into a hurricane. Tropical storms generally take their time to progress into something serious. However, before a tropical storm forms four conditions must be present, one being low air pressure, theShow MoreRelatedHurricanes And Its Impact On Hurricane Katrina2202 Words   |  9 Pagesthat hurricanes are extremely dangerous and cause a significant amount of damage and devastation among many cities and countries. Researchers have studied and found that hurricanes could be classified and categorized into five different areas ranging from least severe to most extreme. Category one being the least severe and Category five would be known to destroy a whole city. 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